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NDIS Proposed changes to Early Intervention funding for Autism diagnosis.

In March 2021 the NDIA released the paper for input in to proposed change to early intervention for an autism diagnosis “This paper seeks input and feedback from participants, their families and caregivers, as well as providers and the disability sector to assist in developing clearer advice on National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funding of early intervention services for children on the
autism spectrum” source NDIS
The NDIA commissioned the Autism CRC to analyse existing research evidence for non-pharmacological interventions (interventions without medication)

The NDIS established these principles for reasonable and necessary autism interventions.

The intervention is based on good understanding of Autism.

• Providers who deliver early intervention know the person well and respect their feelings and views.

• The intervention is adapted to the needs of the child receiving it.

• The intervention works in the real world, nit just in a research setting.

• Research evidence shows the intervention can work for those with a diagnosis of autism.

• The intervention supports mainstream and community participation.

The NDIS also established these standards for service providers.

• The interventions are delivered by or supported by appropriately qualified and experienced professional.

• The people delivering the interventions follow established guidelines.

• The intervention does not cause significant physical or emotional harm.

• The intervention provides significant and longlisting benefits.

• The benefits out way the any cost (including risk)

•The intervention is good value for money and investment.

The NDIS have also established bands for funding based on supports that would be decided via independent assessments.

The proposed budgets are in the tale below.

The proposed changes are not evidence based and moves to a “One shoe fits all” model and we find it disturbing that the NDIS have singled out Autism for these reforms, which only proves to confirms that this is based on cost cutting and budgeting rather than the needs of those seeking support through the NDIS scheme.

So what can you do?

AMAZE are seeking your help by completing an online survey to discuss your child’s currents NDIS funding and allow you to provide us with comments about the reforms. You can access the survey here : Amaze survey on NDIS reforms to early intervention supports for autistic children (surveyhero.com)

AMAZE are also running a parent forum May 10th 7pm – 8pm for those with children 0 – 12 to discuss the proposed changes in more detail. https://www.amaze.org.au/news-and-events/events/


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