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We have changed our name! Kids on the Spectrum is now called Living on the Spectrum

It Felt Hopeless Until She Started Wearing Compression Clothing

My daughter, Elizabeth or Beth as we call her is Autistic, and she has been using compression clothing for over a year now and the results are amazing. She is calmer and more focused while wearing her compression shirts.

We decided to try compression clothing after she started grade 5 and she refused to go to school. You see, school was loud and confusing. Beth would be such a quiet, shy, well behaved student but as soon as she got home she let loose, screaming, throwing things, crying and the swearing oh the swearing. The neighbours thought we were abusing our kids because it got so loud at times. After a while she just refused to go. It was at this time she also started to self harm, cutting her nails down to the wick and pulling her hair out. It was at that stage that I almost lost it, I could not see a way to help my child,I felt helpless and I felt like a failure. We were in what seemed an endless cycle of doctors, physiologists, hospital visits.    

It was at this time we started seeing an Occupational therapist, she suggested we try the compression shirts, After about 10 days of wearing them we noticed a huge difference, Beth was calmer and more open to talking about going back to school. We suggested going back for 1/2 a day to see how it was, then increased it gradually. 

The clothing is tight and snug fitting with no seams. Wearing the clothing provides her with a deep pressure feeling like a big hug. She prefers to wear her singlet shirts during the day under her uniform and then use a weighted blanket at night. She says her brain is clearer when wearing the shirts. She once explained to me that sometimes she felt like she was under water, she could see and hear things but it was blurry and things kept moving.  The noises and the hustle and bustle of school still bothers her,  and she now comes home exhausted and flops into bed, but she is more focused and calmer. The hair pulling and nail cutting has also improved.

Beth goes to school part time now, she is a smart bright girl, and in whole scheme of things it’s better she goes part time and be happy, and healthy then go full time and be self harming and hurting herself. We are fortunate to have a school that is very accommodating.     

I am thankful for her OT for suggesting the clothing, it seemed to be the turning point, when we had been spiraling downhill for so long we could now finally see an improvement. I am also able to claim the clothing with her NDIS funding which is a bonus as it is not cheap, but well worth every dollar.    

Compression clothing usually has a range of clothing that includes, T shirts, singlets, shorts, long sleeved T shirts and seamless socks. There is also a range of compression sheets available, we may give them a go soon.  

Kids on the Spectrum has a list of suppliers here.

Big Hugs


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