Would you be surprised to learn that you see inspirational porn almost daily? It is everywhere and it is problematic.
There are many opinions about how we can educate the general public on disability and, how we can increase acceptance and awareness. Because of this there is ongoing discussions within advocacy groups as the best way to talk about and educate others.
Even with this healthy discussion there is one thing that most disabled people have experienced, and that is what disability activist Stella young calls “inspirational porn”
Feel good stories about disabled people seem to be everywhere. Intended to make non disabled people feel good about themselves. The stories are written and reported with good intent, but to most disabled people, they feel embarrassed and mis represented.
Surprisingly the the term Inspirational porn is quite recent. First used 2012 by disability rights activist Stella Young. She also went on to discuss the controversial name in her TedX talk. (See Stella’s TedX talk at the end of article)
“I use the term porn deliberately because of the objectification of one group of people for the benefit of another group of people.” She rejected the idea that disabled people’s otherwise ordinary activities should be considered extraordinary solely because of disability.
So what is Inspirational Porn.
It is stories that portray pity. Uplifting stories of a disabled person doing ordinary things. It is stories or images of disabled people with the intent of making non disabled people feel better about themselves. It is also stories and statements that somehow portray an individual as a hero for loving someone with a disability.
Have you ever seen the statement “I love someone with Autism” this is a perfect example of Inspirational porn. The notion that a particular individual can love a disabled person and somehow, they must be a hero. The need to let everyone else know of their bravery. Can you imagine if we reversed this and aimed it at Allistic individuals? “I love my able-bodied child even though they are terrible at math” Shouldn’t we just be saying “I love my child?”
It also those images of the one-legged athlete running a marathon with the statement “Never Give Up” That if somehow, they can do it with one leg, then you should not be complaining. It is the statement that “see” they are less than and they can still do it.
But it is not inspirational. Recognition should be because of achievements, period. Not achievements in spite of disability.
By using these images and statement as feel-good tools, it is actually basing an assumption that disabled people have terrible lives, or that caring for a disabled person is an extraordinary feat that needs acknowledgment. Having a fulfilling life as a disabled person doesn’t take some kind of courageous feat. It is also not that hard, as long as everyone can just listen to the disabled persons needs.
Why should it matter.
You may be asking by now “why should it even matter?” As long as we are celebrating achievements.
It matters because we can never move on and have equality and total acceptance as long as we view a disabled person as somehow “damaged” or “less than”. Being grateful should not be a disabled persons first thought when accessing disability accommodation’s or support.
I am sure if you are parent, you wish far more for your child than to be someone’s “Inspirational Porn”