While each state and territory have their own rules and regulations regarding the control of Corona virus, we should always be mindful that those with a disability or mental illness may be exempt from these lockdown restrictions and rules in certain circumstances. The state-based rules and regulations are there to protect everyone, however it does not override your disability rights and medical needs.
Each state and territory are operating with some level of restrictions at the moment, for example Victoria have a curfew and a 5km travel limit, while NSW have stay at home orders and travel restrictions between regions. Below we explore what is still allowed and, what should be encouraged to support our most vulnerable regardless of what sate you are in.
- Students with disability can attend school if they cannot learn from home. If you ask for your child with disability to attend the school must say yes.
- Support workers and others who help care for your child with disability can come to your home.
- You can leave your home if you are at risk of harm, including family violence. This includes taking a child with disability for a drive to help support complex behaviour that may harm themselves or others. (Travel limits and curfew are exempt)
- Compassionate care, caregiving and medical care, including respite can still be accessed. (Travel limits and curfew do not apply)
- If you are unable to leave a child or dependant at home unattended, then they may accompany you. If you require a support person to help with the shopping, then one other person may accompany you.
Do people with a disability have to wear a face mask ?
Yes, people with a disability must wear a face mask in settings where it is mandatory, unless the person has a physical or mental health illness or condition, or disability, which makes wearing a face mask unsuitable, for instance, due to medical, physical, communication, autism or other individual risk factors.
While Victoria does not require proof to be carried regarding the disability exemption, NSW does. It is advisable to check your own State and territory requirements regarding proof of exemption.
Children under 12 are not required to wear a mask.

You can check out each states restrictions below
ACT New South Wales Northern territory Queensland
Victoria Tasmania Western Australia South Australia
Helpful Resources

AMAZE Community information Corona Virus
Autism Spectrum Australia – Autism and the Corona Virus the Essentials
Help and Support
AUTISM Connect National Autism Helpline 1300 308 699
Kids help line 1800 55 1800
Parent Line 13 22 89
Lifeline 13 11 14
Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre 1800 015 188
We Rock the Spectrum is a Sensory Gym that is considered an essential service and remains open!
Locations across Victoria and NSW click here for private bookings and Respite.