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We have changed our name! Kids on the Spectrum is now called Living on the Spectrum

autism support

Help is only a phone call away with Autism Connect, the national autism helpline. This time of year ...
Phone a friend. Have you ever just wanted to pick up the phone and ask any or all of your autism related...
Karen's 10 year old son had a Christmas wish, he wanted his Covid vaccination. This is her and her...
Dear school, I am autistic. This is what I want you to know about me, please listen carefully. Put...
Neurodiversity (noor-oh-di-vur-si-tee) Noun The variation and differences in neurological structure ...
We are excited to announce that MumEcations have opened nominations for funded retreats for mums. As...
Do we really need to prepare our kids for this mythical real life? Have you heard that expressions...
Australian families and the Australian communities are facing an annual Autism cost of up to $7.2...
Parents of autistic children have often heard the full gamut of thoughtless comments concerning their...
A British mother, Clare Tawell started Bright Ears UK in 2017. Clare wanted to sell dolls with hearing...
While each state and territory have their own rules and regulations regarding the control of Corona ...

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