Community based Physiotherapy, Speech therapy and Occupatinal Therapy, Fine and Grossotor skills.
As a registered NDIS Provider, KidsPT provides therapy for children ages 0-18 in Metropolitan Melbourne. KidsPT has Physiotherapists located in Lower Templestowe, Ashburton, Bundoora, Glen Waverley and Reservoir, a Speech Pathologist located in Lower Templestowe and an Occupational Therapist located in Box Hill. Our therapists are all community based- willing to visit you in your desired location.
KidsPT therapists have developed a range of fine and gross motor activity cards suitable for children of all ages and abilities. They are the perfect resource for parents, teachers and therapists to help motivate and develop children’s strength, balance, coordination, dexterity, school readiness, motor planning, body awareness, independence and flexibility.
NDIS Core Support funds can be used to purchase the fine and gross motor products. For more information, please visit the shop page on our website

KidsPT Activity Cards & Packs
As dedicated Paediactric Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists at KidsPT, we have specially designed and created fine and gross motor activity cards suitable for children of all ages and abilities. These are the perfect resource for parents, teachers and therapists to help motivate and develop children’s gross and fine motor skills, strength, balance, coordination, dexterity, school readiness, motor planning, body awareness, independence and flexibility. We have also been careful to keep in mind that it’s all about being active and having fun while doing so!