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We have changed our name! Kids on the Spectrum is now called Living on the Spectrum

Georges River College Hurstville Boys Campus

Our school seeks to educate young men to become successful leaders and achievers in whatever field they choose. Respect, Responsibility and Excellence are our core values and these underpin all aspects of school life. We aim to provide each student with a focused and energetic learning environment highly suited to the needs of boys and to deliver the best possible education with an emphasis on the needs of each individual.

Our Support Unit has three autism specific and one multi-categorical class, staffed by a head teacher, three teachers and four learning support officers.

Our Support Unit:

  • Establishes individual plans relating to learning and wellbeing goals with parents and carers
  • Follows the NESA curriculum
  • Provide access to Community Access Programs, Whole School Programs, Work Experience Programs, Swimming Programs and camps as well as a multiple welfare programs if needed.

Henwyn Street, Hurstville NSW 2220

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