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We have changed our name! Kids on the Spectrum is now called Living on the Spectrum

Ashwood School

Ashwood School provides a pathway of learning from Foundation to Year 12 (ages 5 – 18), for students with a mild intellectual disability.  The curriculum taught at the school is the defined and mandated set of knowledge and skills that schools in Victoria are required to teach and assess.

The Victorian Curriculum and the Early Years Learning Development Framework offer flexibility for teachers to tailor their teaching in ways that provide rigorous, relevant and engaging learning and assessment opportunities for students with disabilities. It therefore incorporates Towards Foundation Levels, Level A-D, which enables students with additional learning needs to engage with the curriculum providing the necessary adjustments to the complexity of the curriculum content and to the means through which students can demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and understanding.

Montpellier Road Ashwood, Victoria, 3147

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