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Have your say on the National Autism strategy.

This is your chance to be involved in the National Autism strategy,

Autistic people, their families and carers and stakeholders will be invited to help develop the Strategy. A consultation process is now open.

The Strategy will be informed by:

  • Autistic people
  • their families and carers
  • the Autism sector
  • researchers.
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Community engagement has been guided by a co-design process undertaken with Autism CRC. The co-design has informed how we will work with Autistic people and other Australians to decide what goes into the Strategy.

Opportunities to have your say

discussion paper has been released on the Strategy. It provides an overview of some of the known issues experienced by Autistic people. It also includes some possible areas of actions and a series of questions.

There is a summary discussion paper also available. An Easy Read and Auslan version of the summary paper will be available soon.

Make a submission to the National Autism Strategy

You’re invited to share your ideas by:

  • responding to guided short-form online questions
  • lodging a written, audio or video submission.

Visit the DSS website to locate a community forum near you.

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