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We have changed our name! Kids on the Spectrum is now called Living on the Spectrum

Have you ever wanted to talk to a real person who can answer any or all of your autism related questions?

Phone a friend.

Have you ever just wanted to pick up the phone and ask any or all of your autism related questions. Any time, for free?

 “Am I doing this right?

What support should I be looking for?

Am I autistic too?”

I know I have. There are times when I have had no idea what I should be doing to assist my child. Plus, everyone has an opinion. It can be challenging to wade through the noise.

You may have heard of AMAZE; they are the Victorian peak autism body and have a national free helpline called Autism Connect. Autism connect has options to phone, email or live chat, and a list of supports and articles accessible on their website.

Have you ever just wanted to pick up the phone and ask any or all of your autism related questions

People who get it.

Autism connect is a service that connects you to individuals who can assist you with your specific needs. Because of this the advisors can help with practical, easy-to-access information, free of charge. You can use the service as many times as you need with the ability to connect you with services all over Australia.

Why it is so important.

It is so easy to get lost in the sea of opinions and the relentless onslaught of information.  It can, at times, be quite confusing and overwhelming. If I had been given a chance to call up a friendly voice and ask questions or get helpful advice, it would have saved me so much stress and anxiety in that early diagnosis period. I can still call them now, and accessing trusted information easily is such a relief.

Who is the helpline for?

The helpline supports anyone who needs assistance navigating Autism support. Or anyone who has autism related questions or is seeking help.

  • Autistic adults who are formally diagnosed or self-identifying.
  • Parents and carers.
  • Allied health.
  • Schools.
  • Doctors and nurses.
  • Employers and employees.
  • Anyone who needs advice that is Autism related.

Autism Connect

Phone 1300 308 699

Autism Connect – National autism helpline – phone, email or live webchat (amaze.org.au)

Open 8am to 7pm, Monday to Friday.

Autism information you can trust. Free, confidential and independent.

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