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Every SA primary schools to get and Autism teacher

Every South Australian government primary school will have a specialist autism teacher in place by 2023. Initiated as part of the state government’s nation-leading program to support children on the spectrum.

Every SA primary schools to get and Autism teacher

It’s part of a $28.8 million initiative to better help autistic children. This comes after the appointment of Australia’s first autism minister to state cabinet, Emily Bourke.

“South Australia is leading the way in inclusive education,” Education Minister Blair Boyer said.

Schools will soon receive guidelines on how to choose an autism inclusion teacher. The aim will be to have the teachers selected by November. Once chosen each teacher will develop their skills and the schools understanding and inclusion around autism.

The program aims to have the Autism teachers starting in term one next year each public primary school. This will be for all years, reception to year 12. Because of this is all area schools, and special schools, will receive funding to release a teacher into the role.

Prospect North Primary School principal Marg Clark said supporting neurodiversity and different ways children learn was incredibly important, not just academically, but for the wellbeing of students.

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